Say that ten times fast.
Just kidding, we all know that new teachers don't have any extra time.
I was blessed to have three weeks due to the hiring process and making things official that I could prepare some things so when I walked into the classroom, I would be ready to go.
And in order for this first year to be less stressful, I knew I would need to have an organization system to help keep my stress level at bay.
So of course, Pinterest is like a paradise for teachers everywhere. And so like many teachers, I have been saving things over the course of the years that would be great tools for organization in my classroom.
Here are two of my favorites, and neither of them was super hard, or costly!
Transform a 3-drawer Sterilite Drawer into a weekly paper organization tool!
I found a free editable template to make the drawer labels.
I loved it so much, I made another one up to help keep me organized!
And the handy dandy teacher toolbox, at your finger tips.
Using a simple plastic toolbox with drawers
And turning into the all inclusive teacher toolbox. I love that everything has its own place, and it makes it so easy for me to find things, as well as the many aides, assistants and other staff members who work in my room!
And who doesn't love a little bright chevron to brighten up their room??
And a sneak peak at my newly decorated bulletin boards!
In college, I thought back to school dorm/apartment shopping was the best thing, but nope.. Definitely decorating bulletin boards!!!
So I hope you can enjoy your imperfection amidst all the joys of your life!